At the Dagstuhl-Seminar 18341 Formalization of Mathematics in Type Theory (19..24-Aug-2018), I delivered a talk on The Isabelle Prover IDE after 10 years of development.
The main ideas around Isabelle/PIDE go back to summer 2008. This is an overview of what has been achieved in the past 10 years, with some prospects for the future. Where can we go from here as Isabelle community? (E.g. towards alternative front-ends like Visual Studio Code; remote prover sessions “in the cloud”; support for collaborative editing of large formal libraries.) Where can we go as greater ITP community (Lean, Coq, HOL family)?
See also the slides.
In the discussion after the talk, there was a very fitting reference to the website of Bret Victor, “perveyor of impossible dreams”.