The actual Sketis
- Monastery of St. Macarius, Wadi Natrun, Egypt
- Some writings attributed to St. Macarius the Great
Notable monasteries
- Monastery of St. Anthony the Great, Read Sea, Egypt
- Dormition Abbey, Mt. Zion, Jerusalem
- Tabgha Priory, Lake of Gennesaret, Galilee
- Lavra Netofa, Mt. Netofa, Galilee
- Abbaye de Fleury, Saint Benoît sur Loire, France
- Abbey of Nový Dvůr, Czech Republic – its architecture was taken as a model for the renovated Moritzkirche, Augsburg
Other liturgical projects
- Byzantinische Liturgie in Augsburg, St. Sebastian
- Gebetshaus Augsburg: Night and Day We Pray, with interesting interior design and liturgical experiments. This project implements a post-modern version of the laus perennis that was introduced into the West by the Abbey of St. Maurice, Agaunum.