Isabelle2016 is now available.
This version improves upon Isabelle2015 in many ways, see the NEWS file in the distribution for further details. Some highlights are as follows:
- Enhanced Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE, with separate State versus Output panel and more asynchronous task management within the prover/GUI.
- Additional Isar language elements for structured statements and proofs.
- Document language refinements, with Markdown-like text structure.
- More Isabelle symbols in theory and document sources.
- Pure/HOL: uniform treatment of overloaded constant definitions versus type definitions; upgrade of HOL typedef to definitional principle.
- HOL tool enhancements: Sledgehammer, Nitpick, Quickcheck, Transfer.
- HOL library additions and improvements, notably HOL-Multivariate_Analysis, HOL-Probability, HOL-Data_Structures.
- Upgrade to Poly/ML 5.6 with debugger IDE support (Isabelle/ML and Standard ML), per-thread profiling, native Windows version (32bit and 64bit).
You may get Isabelle2016 from the following mirror sites: