Dr. Makarius Wenzel
- Publications
- Publications indexed by DBLP
- Isabelle software releases
Notable software projects
- Isabelle: a generic proof assistant and platform for Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP)
- Isabelle/AFP: The Archive of Formal Proofs
- Poly/ML: a full implementation of Standard ML (SML’97) with native support for multicore hardware (used as back-end platform for Isabelle)
- jEdit: Programmer’s Text Editor (used as front-end of the Isabelle Prover IDE, which is properly called Isabelle/jEdit)
Notable scientific events
- Trimester Program: “Prospects of formal mathematics”, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics (HIM), Bonn. Personally present from 22-Jul-2024 to 02-Aug-2024.
Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2024), Tbilisi, Georgia, 09..14-Sep-2024 with co-located Isabelle Workshop 2024 (not personally present).